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Joy Turner, Talk With Your Animals

Joy TurnerJoy Turner has been the bridge between thousands of animals and their humans. She is a spiritual teacher and leading animal communicator with clients around the world.

"Being able to understand animals has been with me my whole life. I was born with the two most important qualities to be able to effectively and completely communicate with all species. First, a deep, abiding love for all life and animals in particular; and, second, the belief in animals equality with humans. Communicating with all species is a natural ability I was born with, and my parents, instead of teaching me out of it, had the grace to allow it to be and encourage me.

Talk With Your Animals radio show airs live every Thursday at 1:00 PM Pacific Time and streams on www.1150kknw.com (click the Listen Live button).

Russell's goal is to educate people on the next holistic paradigms. Click on the buttons below to listen or read some of his radio show appearances.

Show Titles (Dates) Show Scripts (PDF) Show Recordings
May 2003: Healthy Pet Food
Do you want safe, holistic pet food? Learn the optimum diet for our dogs and cats. Learn why premium pet food is better and will save you money in the long term. Learn how to read labels in order to chose a good quality, holistic pet food.

Healthy Pet Food PDF


Sept 2003: BioSuperfood for Animals
Why are enzymes important to our pets? Are fish oils the best source for Omega oils? How is BioSuperfood different than other chlorella and Spirulina products? Can this one product give my pet a shinier, silkier coat, more energy and flexibility, improve their digestion and nutritionally help prevent degenerative diseases such as arthritis and cancer?

BioSuperfood for Animals PDF

June 2004: BioPreparation for Animals
Why are live enzymes critical to our pets health? Why is algae a better source of enzymes? Is this backed by research? What is BioPreparation and how is it different than other supplements? Have you used this unique product on cats with kidney disease (CRF), arthritis or thyroid conditions in cats?

BioPreparation for Animals PDF


August 2005: Silent Pet Epidemic
Pets are only living to half of what they used to 40-50 years ago. Why is that? Why do we have an epidemic of human degenerative diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes and auto-immune disease in our pets? Are such diseases as FeLV, FIP, FIV, cancer, allergies, food sensitivities, obesity, chronic bacterial, viral and fungal infections all related to this silent pet epidemic? Are there any holistic options to avoid this silent pet epidemic?

Silent Pet Epidemic PDF


February 2006: Serious but Safe Aromatherapy for Animals
What is aromatherapy? Is aromatherapy applicable to our domestic pets? How can I use essential oils safely on my pets? What essential oils can I use safely on my dog? What essential Lavenderoils can I use safely on my cat? Is essential oil usage on cats that different than on a dog? Why are cats so sensitive to essential oils? What precautions do I need to take when using essential oils on and around my cat? Can I use essential oils on birds, hamsters, gerbils and other domestic pets? What essential oils should never be used on animals?

Safe Aromatherapy PDF


June 2007: Holistic Serendipity
What is holistic serendipity? Can a pet really get additional benefits from a product that is not related to the symptoms being treated? Can improved emotions and less aggressive behavior be an example of holistic serendipity? Can holistic serendipity include saving a pet's life when a vet can't diagnose what is wrong?

Holistic Serendipity PDF


January 2008: Resolve to Make Your Pet Healthier
Why does my pet need to be healthier if it is young and has no symptoms? Can pets live to be 15-20 years old and be still healthy? Is feeding good quality kibble enough? Why are superfoods a good addition to my pet's diet?

Make Your Pet Healthier PDF

April 2008: Holistic Warning Signs Not to Be Ignored
Why are lipomas (fatty tumors) warning signs? Is a change in eating habits a warning sign? Are recurring symptoms warning signs?

Holistic Warning Signs PDF


May 2009: Aromatherapy and Animals
Can I use essential oils on dogs? What are some oils for calming, ligaments and joints, repelling insects, fleas and ticks? Can I use essential oils on cats? Precautions on using essential oils around and on cats? Hydrosols and cats. How does aromatherapy work? Safely introducing essential oils to pets.

Aromatherapy and Animals

June 2009: Past Lives and Aromatherapy
Using essential oils to resolve past life situations. Stopping repeated patterns. Essential oils connect to our emotions.

Past Lives and Aromatherapy



Talk With Your Animals  Host: Joy Turner

Optimum Choices is a proud sponsor of KKNW's Talk With Your Animals with host, Joy Turner.




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