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BioSuperfood for Animals

KKNW (1150 AM) Radio Show, Seattle
Talk With Your Animals

September 23, 2003 at 5:00–6:00 PM (PDT)
Host: Joy Turner
with Guest Russell Louie, Optimum Choices, LLC


Russell owns a complementary wellness business named Optimum Choices. He believes that if one cannot find time for health now, sooner or later one is obliged to find time for illness. He teaches that healthy choices for you and your pets, doesn't have to be expensive or take all your valuable time. You just need to be informed so you can make the right choices. He shares his experience, knowledge and choices towards optimum health with a product line of all-natural super premium pet food, therapeutic essential oils, BioSuperfood spirulina and subtle energy modalities of Reiki and Bach Flower remedies.

Russell has studied holistic health and spirituality for over 20 years. He specializes in integrating his scientific background with his knowledge of holistic healing to create wellness programs that promote optimum health for people and pets. Russell teaches classes in aromatherapy, essential oils, and Taoism through Journey Bookstore and the Spirit Fire organization in Denver. His education includes a degree in geophysical engineering from the Colorado School of Mines and he served as executive director, teacher and minister of the Creative Light Center in Golden from 1987-2000.

Optimum Choices specializes in offering optimum health care products and foods for people and pets. Through their 50+ years of experience in the holistic health field, Optimum Choices recommends a select group of products they consider to be only the best. Their product offerings include super premium, all-natural pet food, essential oils, a fruit & vegetable supplement and BioSuperfood spirulina. Services offered include aromatherapy treatments, Reiki for both people and pets, and Bach flower remedies. Contact Optimum Choices toll-free at 866-305-2306 or e-mail them at info@OptimumChoices.com or visit their website at www.OptimumChoices.com.

BioSuperfood and Animals

Let’s start first with some basics of animal digestion

Animals swallow food where it is broken down in their stomach. Enzymes are released in their small intestine and the nutrients in the food (e.g., vitamins, amino acids, proteins) are absorbed by villi in small intestines. The two most important factors in this process are to first, start with wholesome foods that contain all the essential amino acids, vitamins, essential fatty acids, trace minerals and protein necessary for the animal’s body. And, second, to have the necessary live enzymes to break down the food; otherwise absorption of nutrients cannot take place.

Why are enzymes important to our animal companions?

Without enzymes animals will age faster and they will get the degenerative diseases so prevalent in humans today such as arthritis, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, tumors and cancer.

First, most canned and dry animal food is not made from whole animal meat; only parts of the processed animal are used and sometimes not very digestible parts such as meat by-products that can contain beaks, feathers and other indigestible parts. Thus our animals do not get all the nutrients they need from generic canned and dry kibbles.

Second, all cooked food is void of enzymes because heat kills live enzymes. If you feed your animal companion canned and dry kibbles exclusively, your animal will eventually be depleted of the live enzymes needed to break down their food. That is why they need supplements containing enzymes added to all their cooked food.

Where do wild animals naturally get their enzymes, trace minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids?

One source is algae. Algae plant cells are literally a film that covers the earth. These simple one cell organisms are miniature factories, turning out amazing amounts of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, protein and enzymes.

Algae contain more nutrition per ounce than anything you can eat, including bee pollen, which is the most nutritionally dense land-based food. It is a complete protein food, containing large amounts of beta-carotene (vitamin A), all the B vitamins, vitamin C and E, and many minerals in high enough amounts to be considered perfect food. The protein yield is greater than soybeans, corn or beef. Some algae contain GLA, a very important essential fatty acid.

It sounds like algae is very important in an animal’s diet?

Yes, all these algae stimulate their immune system, improve digestion, detoxify their body, enhance growth and tissue repair, and accelerates healing. In addition, algae help prevent degenerative disease, and promotes longer life. They also have a very beneficial effect on arthritis and hormonal disorders.

Where does a wild animal get these algae?

Animals in the wild get algae in their diet whenever they drink from a natural water source such as a pond or stream. They consume algae whenever they eat wild plants. However, our domesticated animal companions who are fed on a processed food diet do not have access to algae and therefore are always deficient in amino acids, enzymes, trace minerals, essential fatty acids and other vitamins. Ancient humans (e.g., Aztecs, Mayans, and tribal Africans), whales and other intuitively intelligent animals have long been aware of this natural life-giving food source.

Why are algae a better source than other supplements?

I believe whole food supplements are better and safer than isolated or synthetic supplements. Also, isolated supplements may be missing other synergistic substances found in whole foods that are needed to make it work optimally. For instance, Vitamin C works better when combined with Vitamin E and bioflavonoids. One of the important benefits of taking whole food supplements is the live enzymes they provide assuming the supplement has been properly processed at low temperatures. Unless your animal eats a completely raw diet, their body is probably deficient in enzymes, which eventually leads to illness.

What kind of algae does Optimum Choices offer?

Optimum Choices offers a Bio-Algae Concentrate called BioSuperfood that is a breed apart from other basic algae products.

Why is your algae different than what you can buy in the stores?

BioSuperfood is a breed apart because of several reasons:

  • Most store brand products contain the algae species of Spirulina Pacifica and/or Spirulina Platensis because they have the broadest number of proteins, vitamins, minerals, EFA, trace elements and enzymes naturally occurring on earth.
  • We add to that a specific Spirulina called Astaxanthin because it can accumulate the highest levels of antioxidants in nature. Studies suggest that Astaxanthin can be more than 1000 times as effective as vitamin E.
  • In addition to Astaxanthin, we add Dunaliella that contains the highest known concentration of beta-carotene. Dunaliella has been used in anti-cancer research and has many promising results in reduction of tumors and cancer cells. It is also very high in vitamin C which complements the other Spirulina's low content.
  • It is the proprietary blending of these four specific Spirulina algae that sets BioSuperfood apart in the market.

What does this mean in terms of the final analysis of BioSuperfood?

The end BioSuperfood product has all naturally occurring constituents, as nature meant it and is not an artificial chemical compound. BioSuperfood contains:

  • High protein content: 35% average with 90% net utilization
  • Phytonutrients
  • Essential Fatty Acids — Omega 3, 6 and 9, GLA – linoleic acid
  • 4000+ active enzymes
  • Most powerful antioxidant: Astaxanthin with as much as 1000 the antioxidant power of vitamin E and up to 40 times more than carrots
  • All required vitamins: A, B1-B12, C, K
  • All Essential Amino Acids plus 10 more
  • All 92 trace elements and more
  • All essential minerals: calcium with 80% net assimilation, zinc, sodium, iron, phosphorus, and potassium

Why do you feel BioSuperfood is superior to other spirulina products on the market?

During early research on this product the Chlorella algae showed good results in reduction of cancers in cattle, sheep and goats but not with chickens, rabbits, pigs or horses. This lead to an important realization that species without the digestive enzyme cellulase will not digest Chlorella’s cell membrane which is made of cellulose and requires the enzyme cellulase for breakdown. For this reason, the founder, Dr. Kiriac, chose not to include Chlorella in his formula as other products have.

Dr. Kiriac continued to experiment with hundreds of different strains before settling on Dunaliella and Astaxanthin for their incredible antioxidant power in addition to the more generic Spirulina Pacifica and Spirulina Platensis. Other spirulina products do not contain Dunaliella and Astaxanthin.

Is there any animal research to prove BioSuperfood’s superiority?

Yes, a large poultry farm in Moldova was selected to be the research center for BioSuperfood. Dr. Kiriac spent 11 years working at this research facility. This farm gained a 20% increase in productivity overall as demonstrated by:

  • Growing larger leaner animals
  • Producing larger eggs with stronger shell calcium
  • Achieving less disease
  • Increased eggs per month per chicken
  • Produced in environment free of pathogenic bacteria, such as salmonella

All this was achieved with the use of organic grains and BioSuperfood and without the help of antibiotics, growth hormones or other artificial measures. Other significant research was done with rabbits, primarily because of certain cancers that were affecting this species in Moldova.

Is BioSuperfood a “magic pill” that will cure all our animals’ ills?

No, BioSuperfood is not a panacea. I do feel feeding whole food nutrition is a big step on improving our animal companion’s health. Dr. Kiriac recommends a comprehensive approach when dealing with illness prevention and treatment. We must also work to improve all aspects of our animal’s life. The most successful illness prevention and treatment program addresses diet, exercise/physical activity, and environmental factors.

Do you have any BioSuperfood animal testimonials?

Some of the first benefits our animal guardians notice are:

  • Shiner coats
  • Silkier fur
  • Animals have more energy
  • Animals have more flexibility

Here are some more specific testimonials:

We gave this to our elderly 17 year old cat that was dying of kidney disease and saw an amazing improvement after just a couple of days on it. She had more energy and was more like her "old" self.

Testimonial of C. B. and her dog Snowpea (Snowpea was supposed to have $2,000 surgery for hind legs/arthritis) and so far has been doing better, more demonstration of flexibility, etc. No surgery plans.

We found out that Connie is hypothyroid, an unusual condition for cats, which accounts for her obesity. We are giving BioSuperfood to her and have seen her energy level and appetite improve. We started giving Connie BioNutrition BioSuperfood formula F-1 (micro algae supplement) in October 2002 and by January 2003, her thyroid values tested normal. Her weight has stayed the same, yet she actually looks skinnier, showing that her fat is being replaced by muscle.

We had one cat that was constantly licking a red sandstone rock. We surmised the cat was deficient in minerals. The cat got worse, stopped eating and was near death because he was not manufacturing white blood cells. We gave the cat BioSuperfood Formula 2 and he immediately perked up. Today he is fully recovered and gaining weight. We concluded the BioSuperfood, being one cell organisms, was easier for the cat to assimilate and absorb the nutrients he needed than normal food.—“Simon is doing GREAT on the BioSuperfood. He told me that he seems to have weak cells in his digestive track. They have difficulty absorbing nutrients and releasing waste. The BioSuperfood really feeds these cells and supports their healthy function. Cool, huh?”

It sounds like BioSuperfood is an excellent whole food supplement for our companion animals?

Yes, I believe it is. Animals have a short digestive tract compared to humans. Food doesn’t remain very long in their intestines and so breakdown and absorption of nutrients needs to be quick. BioSuperfood and algae in general are simple one cell organisms that require very little breakdown and enzymatic action for absorption. By using BioSuperfood we are replacing the animal’s natural source for all these enzymes, vitamins, essential fatty acids, amino acids and trace minerals.

Is BioSuperfood also good for humans?

At the Chernobyl disaster over 160,000 children and 146,000 cleanup workers were victims of radiation poisoning, loss of immunity resulting in birth defects, leukemia, cancer, thyroid disease, degeneration of spinal fluids, liver and bone marrow, as well as anemia, loss of vision and appetite, and a severely compromised immune system.

Dr. Kiriac worked closely with the medical sectors to assist the sick from the Chernobyl disaster. Because of his previous success with various cancers, he was asked to work with thousands of children and adults suffering from radiation ills. He used BioSuperfood to:

  • Increase dangerously low white blood cell counts of about 1,000 to an average of 3,000 in children with leukemia in just 20 days on BioSuperfood
  • Caused the regeneration of bone marrow, spinal fluids, blood and liver cells
  • Reduced radioactivity levels in the body by 50% in only 20 days

Any other benefits to humans?

Over the years, Dr. Kiriac has applied BioSuperfood to many of our modern human diseases such as cancers, fibromyalgia, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cholesterol, allergies, arthritis, nervous system, immune system, endocrinal glands, and has since realized the tremendous nutraceutical and therapeutic power of BioSuperfood for alleviating most degenerative diseases.

Are there different varieties of BioSuperfood?

Yes, Joy, we have three different BioSuperfood formulas to meet various needs. Formula 1 has 75% nutrition and 25% antioxidants. We use this formula for animals and children who are healthy and do not have a compromised immune systems. Formula 2 is 50% nutrition and 50% antioxidants. We use this formula for older animals and active healthy adults. Finally, we have Formula 3 that contains 25% nutrition and 75% antioxidants. We use this formula for animals and humans who have health challenges and compromised immune systems.

How can one get more information on Optimum Choices’ BioSuperfood?

Your listeners can go to our website www.OptimumChoices.com and click on the [Products] button then [Supplements] button and finally the [Spirulina] button. They can call us toll-free at 866-305-2306 or send e-mail to info@OptimumChoices.com.

Thank you, Joy, for this opportunity to serve our companion animals.


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Optimum Choices, LLC     Copyright © 2021     Last modified: 04/10/21
