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Silent Pet Epidemic

KKNW (1150 AM) Radio Show, Seattle
Talk With Your Animals

August 23, 2005 at 5:00–6:00 PM (PDT)
Host: Joy Turner
with Guest Russell Louie, Optimum Choices, LLC




Hi, today we’re talking with Russell Louie. Russell owns a holistic wellness business named Optimum Choices. He believes that if one cannot find time for health now, sooner or later one is obliged to find time for illness. He educates people on healthy choices for themselves and their pets. He shares his experience, knowledge and choices towards optimum health with a line of whole food products, therapeutic essential oils, BioSuperfood Spirulina and subtle energy modalities of Reiki and Bach Flower remedies.

Russell has studied holistic health and spirituality for over 25 years and lived a holistic lifestyle for over 50 years. He specializes in integrating his scientific background with his knowledge of holistic healing to create wellness programs that promote optimum health for people and pets. Russell teaches classes in animal nutrition, natural pet care, aromatherapy, and Taoism in Denver. His education includes a degree in geophysical engineering from the Colorado School of Mines and he served as executive director, teacher and minister of the Creative Light Center in Golden from 1987-2000.

Optimum Choices specializes in offering optimum health care products and services for people and pets. Through their combined 75+ years of experience in the holistic health field, Optimum Choices recommends a select group of products they consider to be only the best. Their product offerings include Seacure®, NingXia Red wolfberry juice, essential oils, a fruit & vegetable product called Juice Plus and BioSuperfood spirulina. Services offered include aromatherapy treatments, Reiki for both people and pets, and Bach flower remedies. Contact Optimum Choices toll-free at 866-305-2306 or e-mail them at info@OptimumChoices.com or visit their website at www.OptimumChoices.com.

Today, he will be talking about a silent pet epidemic affecting your animal children and what you could do to prevent it.

Silent Pet Epidemic

Russell, your research shows our pets are getting degenerative diseases earlier in life and living shorter lives. Tell me about your research?

According to dog and cat registries our pets are living half as long as they used to 40–50 years ago. Pets today under 10 years of age are getting arthritis and today’s vets attribute that to normal old age. 40–50 years ago, old age was 15-20 years old. Our pets are now getting human degenerative diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes and auto-immune disease. 40–50 years ago these conditions in animals was rare. I believe there is a silent epidemic of illness among our pets today.

Why do we have this silent epidemic of illnesses?

Joy, I am not the only one who noticed this epidemic of illness. Dr. Alfred Plechner recognized a revolving door among his clients coming to him with the same symptoms every season. Dr. Alfred Plechner became dissatisfied with just treating the superficial signs of health problems. He stated, “…the conventional treatment I trained for at veterinary school had little impact on pets seemingly more susceptible to disease and allergies and who seemed to be living shorter and sicker lives.” Dr. Plechner’s frustration led him to use his own time and money on clinical research to discover why this was happening. He uncovered a hidden adrenal gland defect that caused an endocrine-immune system imbalance.

What are the consequences of this adrenal gland defect?

When the adrenal glands do not function at 100% you have a deficient immune system. With a deficient immune system, our pets are subjected to seemingly unrelated diseases including, but not limited to:

  • Cancer
  • Obesity
  • Allergies
  • FeLV, FIP, FIV
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Kidney and liver disease
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Aggressiveness and strange behavior
  • Hyper sensitivities to food and insect bites
  • Chronic bacterial, viral and fungal infections
  • Unresolved illnesses unresponsive to conventional therapy

How is this adrenal gland defect related to all these conditions?

This hidden adrenal gland defect causes the adrenal glands to not manufacture enough cortisol hormone or the cortisol produced is bound (inactive). Cortisol is a powerful anti-inflammatory and helps the body deal with stress and infections. This defect, in turn, causes a domino-effect producing too much estrogen and not enough thyroid hormones. When the endocrine (hormonal) system is out of balance, the end result is low antibodies and a poor immune system.

So, a poor immune system is underlying ALL the previously mentioned illnesses?

That’s right, Joy. An animal may be treated for an infection with antibiotics and the condition is seemingly cured. Later, the animal develops a food allergy and the guardian changes the food and again, the condition is seemingly gone. Still later, the same animal contracts irritable bowel disease and is now on a restricted diet and possibly conventional hormone therapy. Rather than three separate illnesses, these are all possible symptoms of Dr. Plechner’s hidden adrenal gland defect and an endocrine-immune system imbalance.

If the entire immune system is out of balance, could this explain why younger pets are getting old age diseases?

Yes. When younger animals get cancer they were unfortunately born with this hidden adrenal gland defect and an imbalanced endocrine system.

How about younger pets with allergies?

Allergies are just a symptom of a depressed immune system. By changing the brand of food or diet one is only masking the symptoms, not addressing the cause, which is an imbalanced endocrine (or hormonal) system.

How does one find out if an animal has this hidden adrenal gland defect?

Dr. Plechner developed a special blood test to detect this hidden defect in the adrenal glands. His Basic Endocrine-Immune One tests for cortisol, total estrogen, thyroid hormones T-3 & T-4, and IgA, IgM and IgG antibodies. If the cortisol level is low, estrogen level high, thyroid hormones low and antibodies are low, he suspects the animal has this hidden defect. Dr. Plechner’s blood test is entirely different than the vet’s normal blood analysis. Dr. Plechner’s special Basic Endocrine-Immune One test must be requested.

One can find a vet that follows Dr. Plechner’s protocol and can run his special blood test by going to Dr. Plechner’s website at www.DrPlechner.com and clicking on the Vet List page. There are actually four in Washington.

What can be done about this silent epidemic?

First, when acquiring a new animal, one option would be to have Dr. Plechner’s special blood test run even if the animal is not exhibiting any symptoms. This would identify the hidden adrenal gland defect and one could start holistic options right away.

Dr. Plechner found that improper nutrition from a dry kibble diet counteracted his treatment. A second option would be to skip the expensive blood test and start feeding a good diet adding BioPreparation to the food as a preventative measure. Switching to premium canned food, and even better, a raw food diet, will help control and possibly avoid the symptoms of a depressed immune system. Remember, dogs and cats are carnivores so they need primarily meat in their diet to be healthy. Dogs need 60-80% meat while cats need 70-90%. It is a fact that dry kibbles cannot be manufactured with more than 50% meat because it gums up the machines. The third thing is to avoid exposing animals to any harsh chemicals such as pesticides, petrochemicals and household cleaners and solvents.

What is the treatment if my animal develops this endocrine-immune system imbalance?

Dr. Plechner’s solution is a protocol of physiological (low dosage) injections (or oral medication) of cortisone to boost up the adrenal glands. He also found it necessary to give low doses of thyroid hormone to 90% of his dogs and 10% of his cats. Once the endocrine system is back in balance, the immune system kicks in and all the disease symptoms disappear. Unfortunately, the animal must stay on these low doses of hormones for life, so this is not a holistic solution although it can be a good solution for some animals.

Are there any holistic options for this condition?

If the adrenal gland defect is not severe, changing to a raw food diet would be my first choice. It is the least expensive remedy and the most natural for our carnivorous pets. Holistic vets have seen many symptoms such as food allergies, hot spots, itching, dry skin and coat, obesity and even minor immune system problems clear up after transitioning to a raw food diet.

What if a raw food diet isn’t possible or the symptoms are more severe?

Another more powerful option is to give our furry children algae containing all the nutritional ingredients Nature intended wild animals to get on a daily basis. Wild animals get algae whenever they drink from a natural body of water, eat plants and eat vegetarian prey. The algae product we offer, BioPreparation, contains over 4,000 enzymes, vitamins A, B1–B12, C, E, and K, Essential Fatty Acids of Omega 3, 6 and 9, all essential amino acids, phytonutrients and anti-oxidants 1000 times more powerful than vitamin E. Rather than being added in a laboratory, these nutrients naturally occur in the algae in the dosage and form that Nature intended. So, there is no risk of over dosing or imbalance as can occur with traditional vitamin supplements. It is also less expensive to take this all-in-one holistic product than the individual supplements for dry skin and coat, flexibility and arthritis, boosting the adrenal glands and immune system.

Russell, you think algae is a better source of nutrients than other supplements. How have you come to that conclusion?

Algae are a whole food not a supplement. I believe whole foods are better and safer than isolated or synthetic supplements. Also, isolated supplements may be missing other synergistic substances found in whole foods that are needed to make it work optimally. For instance, Vitamin C works better when combined with rutin and bioflavonoids. So, just taking Vitamin C as pure ascorbic acid will not work as well as taking the whole food source of Vitamin C in acerola cherries or oranges that naturally contain rutin and bioflavonoids.

Another important benefits of taking algae is the live enzymes they provide, assuming the supplement has been properly processed at low temperatures. Unless your animal eats a completely raw diet, their body is probably deficient in enzymes, which eventually leads to illness and the inability to combat inflammation.

I can see how your product, BioPreparation, can take care of the nutritional aspect of an imbalanced endocrine-immune system but what about the need for Dr. Plechner’s hormone replacement therapy? Are there any holistic options?

Yes, BioPreparation was formulated to feed and energize all the glands and organs of the body. Let me explain the difference between supplementation and true holistic wellness.

If the adrenal glands are deficient and one gives the animal a supplement with vitamins, herbs and perhaps an adrenal extract, this might stimulate the animal’s own adrenal glands to wake up or it may make the body dependent on this adrenal supplement for life. If the brain receives a signal that the adrenal glands are fine, it will stop trying to stimulate it into action. This is using a natural remedy in an allopathic way by just treating the symptoms—the low adrenal function.

Since the adrenal glands are secondary glands, we prefer a more holistic approach by supplying super nutrition for the whole body and boosting the master glands of the brain. BioPreparation was formulated to feed and energize the master glands of the brain (i.e., pineal, pituitary and hypothalamus glands). When the brain is 100% functional, it will see that the adrenal glands are deficient and send whatever nutrients and nerve signals are needed to awaken the adrenals back to 100%. In essence, we are awakening the animal’s own natural ability to heal with BioPreparation rather than stimulating just the adrenal glands with an external supplement.

So, your BioPreparation will not only give back the nutrition Nature intended animals to get but it will also energize the master glands of the brain so that this hidden adrenal gland defect can be neutralized?

Yes, Joy, that is true holistic health in our opinion. Awakening the animal’s natural ability to heal to achieve holistic wellness.
Russell, do you recommend feeding BioPreparation no matter what kind of diet someone feeds their companion animals?
Joy, unless one does the expensive blood tests for every animal, they cannot be totally sure their animals don’t have Dr. Plechner’s hidden adrenal gland defect. From my observations of older animals living shorter lives and younger animals getting degenerative diseases and even getting cancer before the age of 5 years, I feel prevention is the best wellness approach. Certainly, anyone feeding exclusively a dry kibble diet would be well advised to add BioPreparation with its live enzymes and all the essential fatty acids. By spending a little money now on a whole food product they can avoid the vet bills later, provide their animal a healthier, better quality of life and prolong their animal companion’s life. BioPreparation is literally like giving your pet the Fountain of Youth.

Are there different formulas of BioPreparation?

Yes, we have two different BioPreparation formulas to meet various needs. Formula 2+ has 50% nutrition and 50% antioxidants. We use this maintenance formula for animals that are relatively healthy and do not have a severely compromised immune systems. Formula 3+ contains 25% nutrition and 75% antioxidants. We use this therapeutic formula for elderly animals and ones who have health challenges and severely impaired immune systems.

Do you have any case histories proving the effectiveness of BioPreparation on this endocrine-immune system imbalance?

Dr. Plechner says that every animal he treats with cancer tests positive for his endocrine-immune system imbalance. We had one dog with a mast cell cancer tumor on its paw. A conventional vet recommended complete amputation of the paw plus radiation or chemotherapy to follow. The dog’s guardian decided to have the vet remove as much of the tumor as possible preserving all the digits on the paw. She then gave the dog only BioPreparation and in ten weeks the remaining mast cell tumor was totally gone. This is documented with photos on our website.

Another guardian spent over $7,000 on their dog because she had Immune Mediated Anemia or Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia (IMHA) which is a 100% fatal disease. The dog’s blood cell count was down to 13 where normal is 40–45. The vet gave a poor prognosis for survival. After starting on our algae product the dog started to recover and they were able to reduce some of the medications. The blood cell count continued to improve until all medication was stopped. 2.5 years later the dog’s blood cell count has tripled to 35 and is still improving. Today, the dog is running up the mountains at an altitude of 10,000 ft and the owner is so thankful she found BioPreparation to save her dog’s life. This case is documented on out website complete with the vet report.
For more information on Optimum Choices and BioPreparation, you can go to Russell’s website at www.OptimumChoices.com. From their Home page just click on the [Superfood for Pets] button in the middle of the page. You can also call toll-free 866-305-2306 or email them at info@OptimumChoices.com.

If one wanted more information on Dr. Plechner’s research or a local vet that could administer his protocol, where would one go?

Go to Dr. Plechner’s website at www.DrPlechner.com.  One can download a PDF article entitled Unrecognized Endocrine-Immune Defects in Multiple Diseases from his Research Articles page. One can also look up a vet that follows his protocol on the Vet List page. There are actually four in Washington.

What implications does Dr. Plechner’s research have for humans?

Dr. Plechner mentions the implications of his findings for treating chronic illnesses in humans in his book Pets at Risk: From Allergies to Cancer, Remedies for an Unsuspected Epidemic . Dr. William Jefferies has been using low dosage cortisone for decades on human patients with the same success. Dr. Jefferies believes this therapy can help humans with allergies, chronic fatigue, and autoimmune disorders including rheumatoid arthritis. Consider this fact—the feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) involves a retrovirus similar to HIV in humans. Dr. Plechner has a 70% recovery rate using his hormone balancing protocol. Could this be part of the answer to HIV?

Is BioPreparation also good for humans?

We actually have a separate people formula of BioPreparation called BioSuperfood. It was used at the Chernobyl disaster on several hundred thousand children and cleanup workers who were victims of radiation poisoning (e.g., loss of immunity resulting in birth defects, leukemia, cancer, thyroid disease, degeneration of spinal fluids, liver and bone marrow, as well as anemia, loss of vision and appetite) and a severely compromised immune system.

Dr. Kiriac, the inventor, used BioSuperfood to:

  • Increase dangerously low white blood cell counts by 300% in children with leukemia in less than one month on BioSuperfood
  • Cause the regeneration of bone marrow, spinal fluids, blood and liver cells
  • Reduce radioactivity levels in the body by 50% in less than a month

Any other benefits to humans?

Over the years, Dr. Kiriac has applied BioSuperfood to many of our modern human diseases such as cancers, fibromyalgia, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, high cholesterol, allergies, arthritis, nervous and immune system disorders, endocrine glands, and has since realized the tremendous nutraceutical and therapeutic power of BioSuperfood for alleviating most degenerative diseases.

We have one recent customer that reduced her total cholesterol level from 223 down to 151 and her LDL (bad cholesterol) from 134 down to 70. A number of customers with thyroid problems have used BioSuperfood to reduce their dependence on drugs and feel more lively and energetic.

Thank you, Joy, for this opportunity to serve our companion animals.


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Optimum Choices, LLC     Copyright © 2021     Last modified: 04/10/21
