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Bionutrition & Cellular Nutrition

The Magic of Bio-Algae Concentrates

A lecture with Dr. Michael Kiriac, PhD, N.D. and Roland Thomas, N.D.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004 from 6:30PM to 9:30PM

Registration fee: $15.00 (material and booklet Included) or $10 if prepaid

The Boulder Marriott Hotel
2660 Canyon Boulevard, Boulder, CO 80302
Tel: 303-440-3377 for directions and lodging
                   Limited Seating—Reserve TODAY to assure your seat and booklet
Call Roland Thomas at 303-683-8113
E-mail: info@bioage.ws

Doctor Michael Kiriac, PhD, N.D., a Russian scientist who has successfully alleviated diseases in human and animals will speak about the curative power of bionutrition and bio-algae concentrates. Doctor Kiriac was nominated Fellow of the European Medical Association for his work with Leukemia and the children of Chernobyl. Recipient of six gold medals, a pioneer and world leading authority on micro algae, he will share his experience on prevention and therapeutic uses of bio-algae concentrates for diseases endemic to North America; arthritis, diabetes, cardiovascular, cancer, digestive, hormonal and others.

Booklet signing following the presentation:
The Magic of Bio-Algae Concentrates: The Michael Kiriac Story


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