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How to take Bach Flower Essences

Flower essences are mixed with spring water and a little brandy as a preservative in a one-ounce Ylang ylangamber glass dropper bottle. I used to use just a few drops of alcohol but found it was not sufficient to preserve the essences. They tended to spoil quickly, unless refrigerated (and flower essences in the refrigerator tend to be forgotten and not used). So now I fill the bottles about halfway with alcohol and they usually keep for several months without refrigeration. Since just a few drops are used, the alcohol will usually not bother you or your pet. If it does, you can put a few drops of the flower essence in a glass of spring water (not tap or distilled) to dilute it, and then give a few drops of that mixture. This will not affect the potency since it is an energetic medicine. So the concentration of the essence does not matter. What matters is how often it is taken. You could also put the essence in some hot water (spring water, not tap or distilled) to evaporate off the alcohol before using. Or, as described below, you can use the essences externally or added to your pet's drinking water.

Flower essences can be taken internally or applied to the body. To energize the flower essences, you can slap the bottom of the bottle against the palm of your hand 10 times before taking the essences. This makes the liquid foam a little and is called “succussing”, a term from homeopathic medicine. Doing this once a day is sufficient. Since the essences are energetic in nature, make sure that you do not store them near a source of electromagnetic radiation such as a microwave oven, TV, phone, computer or magnets. If you travel, do not put the essences through the x-ray machine at the airport—have them hand checked, put them in your pockets or put them in a lead-lined bag (which you can buy for protecting camera film).

Make sure not to touch anything with the dropper or it will become contaminated with germs. Don’t let your pet lick the dropper. If the dropper does touch anything, wash it off, wipe it with alcohol to sterilize it, and then rinse the alcohol off. If the mixture in the bottle turns cloudy or has particles in it, throw it out and then sterilize the bottle and dropper before reusing it. Please don’t hesitate to turn in the dirty bottle to your practitioner and request a new, clean bottle of essences.

The recommended daily dosage is 4 drops, 4x per day. If you cannot do it this often, then twice a day is usually adequate. To take the drops internally, put 4 drops on the tongue or in a glass of water or in food. To take the drops externally, put some drops on your hands and then rub your hands on your skin and hair. The effectiveness is not diminished by mixing the flower essences with food.

To give the drops to pets, put several drops in the water dish or on their food. It can be difficult to get the drops in a pet’s mouth without them struggling or licking the dropper. So don’t try this unless it is very easy to do. To give the drops externally to pets, put the drops on your hands, rub your hands together briefly and then pet your animal.

When you take the essences or give them to your pet, think of the positive qualities the remedy is promoting, rather than the negative qualities it is correcting. That way, you are giving energy to the positive rather than the negative qualities. For instance, if a remedy treats fear, think of how the remedy is promoting courage when you take it. If it treats anxiety, focus on it promoting calmness. When I prepare essences for people, I write the positive qualities on the label, to remind them of those when they take the remedy or give it to their pet.

Flower essences will not interfere with any other medications you are taking and are totally safe to use during pregnancy. According to some sources, they will enhance the effectiveness of homeopathic essences.

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