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Animal Corner Infomercial


11:00 AM CDT, Thursday, April 27


Russell Louie owns a holistic wellness business named Optimum Choices. He educates people on healthy choices for themselves and their pets. Russell has studied holistic health for over 25 years and lived a holistic lifestyle for over 50. He specializes in integrating his scientific background with his knowledge of holistic health to promote optimum wellness. 

Russell, from your 50+ years of holistic experience I am sure you have used a number of herbs and supplement products.

Of course, Kat. Herbs and supplements are good for acute conditions and short-term use of those products can help eliminate most symptoms. But I also have observed after 50+ years of holistic living that true optimum wellness comes from healing the body within and not from taking external supplements. I prefer to use whole food products to stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal rather than use isolated supplements that are targeted for symptoms.

Is there anything wrong with using isolated supplements?

If supplements and other holistic remedies take care of the symptoms right away, that’s great. Sometimes that’s all the body needs to bring it back into balance. But for chronic conditions and health challenges that don’t respond to multiple treatments, I suspect a more holistic approach in balancing the entire body is needed using a whole food product.

Why are whole food products better?

Let me share our research with you. We all learned in school that during the 17th century the Europeans crossing the Atlantic avoided getting scurvy by drinking fresh lime juice loaded with Vitamin C. What is not commonly known is that research shows by just taking Vitamin C, as pure ascorbic acid, one could temporarily eliminate the symptoms of scurvy but the disease would come back once the Vitamin C was stopped. But by taking Vitamin C made from an extract of whole green peppers, not only did the symptoms go away but the scurvy was cured. Modern day research shows us that Vitamin C works better when combined with rutin, bioflavonoids, zinc, selenium and Vitamin E that are all naturally occurring in the whole food green peppers. That is why I prefer to get Vitamin C from whole food products made from acerola cherries or rose hips rather than just taking an ascorbic acid supplement.

Do you use whole food products with your animals?

Yes, we use a whole food algae product that can stimulate an animal’s digestion, boost their immune system, detoxify their body, enhance tissue repair, and accelerate the animal’s overall natural ability to heal. This algae product also has a very beneficial effect on arthritis, hormonal disorders, chronic infections, glandular imbalances and even cancer. In addition, daily use of this algae product helps prevent degenerative disease and promotes longer life.

Please tell me more about this amazing holistic product!

BioPreparation is a revolutionary new concept in holistic nutrition. BioPreparation does not treat symptoms but instead energizes and feeds the master glands of the brain. When the master glands in the brain are totally balanced, the body naturally and holistically balances all the other glands and organs and symptoms take care of themselves.

Is this like those other algae and Spirulina products in health food stores?

No, it isn’t Kat. BioPreparation is the results of over 15 years of animal research in the former Soviet Union by a Russian scientist that was tasked with eliminating the cancer epidemic in rabbits, mink and chickens. After very successful research in eliminating these cancer epidemics, Dr Kiriac formulated a product suitable for dogs, cats and even humans.

So, BioPreparation is different than the store bought algae and Spirulina products?

Yes. Dogs and cats have a shorter digestive tract than humans so the manufacturer customizes human-grade algae to meet their requirement for quicker absorption.

Do you have any BioPreparation animal testimonials to share?

  • One customer’s 17-year old cat was dying of kidney disease. After just a couple of days on BioPreparation the customer saw an amazing improvement. She said her cat had more energy and was more like her "old" self.

  • A dog was supposed to have $2,000 worth of surgery for arthritis in its hind legs. The guardian saw so much improvement and increased flexibility that they canceled the surgery.

Do you have any testimonials regarding glandular problems?

One customer’s cat was hypothyroid. We used this algae product and saw an immediate increase in energy level and improved appetite. After three months on the algae product the cat’s thyroid values from a blood test were perfectly normal.

Can this holistic product actually help with cancer?

Yes, the doctor’s clinical studies eradicated cancer epidemics in chickens, rabbits, mink and pigs. We’ve used it on one customer’s dog that had a mast cell cancer tumor on its paw. After only two weeks the tumor was reduced by 50%. After ten weeks the tumor completely disappeared and hair grew back over the area.

How can one get more information on Optimum Choices’ BioPreparation?

Your listeners can go to our website www.OptimumChoices.com and from the Home page click on the [Superfood for Pets] button or simply search on the word “BioPreparation.” They can call us toll-free at 866-305-2306 or send e-mail to info@OptimumChoices.com.

Right now, we are running an Animal Corner Special. We are offering 10% off on the first order of either the animal formula, BioPreparation, or the human formula, BioSuperfood. We will also include a FREE booklet on the Bio-Algae Concentrate Story and the 30 years of animal research that went into its discovery and how it eradicated cancer epidemics in animals. Your listeners can order online at www.OptimumChoices.com or call us toll-free at 866-305-2306. Be sure to mention “Kat Berard sent you” to get this special discount and FREE booklet.



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Optimum Choices, LLC     Copyright © 2021     Last modified: 04/10/21
